Update date: August 31st, 2023

🔑 Preface

At 3Decrypt, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, protect, and disclose the information we gather from you when you use our website or application.

💻 What personal data do you process?

Registration for the beta

Visitors to the website can join the private beta with their explicit consent by entering their personal data in a form.

The data required are:

What is the legal basis?

The registration is voluntary and explicit for the visitor.

What is this information used for?

This information is collected for marketing purposes. It enables us to keep you informed about the progress of the 3Decrypt project and to send you an invitation to the beta as soon as it is ready. Additionally, this information helps us to analyze the audience interested in our project.

Data Retention Policy

We retain our customers' personal data for a maximum period of three years after our last interaction with them. This retention period enables us to respond to any future requests from the customer and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations regarding data retention. After this period, we securely and permanently delete all customers' personal data.

Audience Measurement and Technical Data

When you visit our website, data is automatically collected, including: